The universe has been evolving for millions of years and will continue to evolve with or without our presence. Compared to the time that the mountains and oceans were created our lives are a mere blink of an eye.  With the shutter of the camera I am able to mimic this eternal   occurrence using my photography to capture the landscapes grandeur and intimate images. 

The opportunities for capturing images are constant in the natural world. Expressive and non traditional landscape photography are a result of wandering the trails, spending time in nature, and noticing the intimate changes from one visit to another throughout every season.  The act of immersing into nature slows this process of time for me. It allows me to embrace the universes ticking of the clock. 

Photography is my excuse to go out into nature and allow my mind to simply be in the presence of the quiet desert, to listen to water drops fall from trees, to feel the pounding waves beneath my feet. Nature is my excuse (motivation) to create photographic art. Photography and the natural world are symbiotic to me.  

I attempt to convey all senses as I experience them in the field, the heat and cold, the solitude of the desert, the sounds or lack of, the anxiety of walking through the forest on a dark new moon night and the changing of the seasons in my photography.  I try to immerse myself into the environment to find a peaceful mindset. It’s in that peaceful quiet moment that nature will speak to me and reveal images. 

The natural world is a constant reminder of the clock, the blink of and eye, like the seasons come and go. 

Artist Statement-